1. Foreman 3.0 Release Notes
1.1. Headline Features
1.1.1. Puppet ENC functionality extracted to foreman_puppet plugin
Foreman without the plugin no longer includes Puppet environments, config groups, Puppet classes and smart class parameters.
It is still possible to assign Puppet environment to a host using the puppet_environment
parameter. This is also the case for setting Puppet server and Puppet CA server for provisioning, which can be defined using the puppet_server
and puppet_ca_server
. A rake task will be provided to allow automatically migrating these values to parameters for users who do not wish to continue using the plugin.
By default, this plugin is still installed in 3.0 both on fresh installs and upgrades, but will default to off in future releases.
More information can be found on our Discourse in thread Puppet ENC plugin development and Puppet in 3.0 release.
1.1.2. Kerberos authentication using mod_auth_gssapi
The installer will now deploy mod_auth_gssapi
instead of mod_auth_kerb
if called with --foreman-ipa-authentication=true
Existing installations will be upgraded to use mod_auth_gssapi
This allows deploying Kerberos authentication on CentOS 8, which lacks mod_auth_kerb
Debian and Ubuntu also provide mod_auth_gssapi
and the installer can now deploy Kerberos authentication there too.
1.1.3. Fact parsers are included in core
Fact parsers for Ansible, Chef, Salt and Subscription Manager were moved to the Foreman core. This is the first step in refactoring fact handling in Foreman to be simpler, faster and easily extendable. Thanks to that it’s now possible to upload facts from these tools even if the respective plugin is not installed.
1.2. Upgrade Warnings
permission has been removed. All users are able to see their own bookmarks and any public bookmark defined by others. -
parameter now defaults tofalse
. If you still want to enable EPEL at provisioning time, you will need to explicitly set the parameter totrue
. -
macros changed the meaning of thedefault_value
parameter. The value is now used for the comparison if the parameter is not set on the host, instead of returing the value directly. Please update your templates accordingly. -
The Debian packages are signed with a new key 5B7C3E5A735BCB4D615829DC0BDDA991FD7AAC8A. Please import it to verify the packages.
Foreman 2.5 for Debian/Ubuntu had briefly wrong versioned Ansible and Remote Execution plugins published, please read our blog post how to properly upgrade these.
1.3. Deprecations
1.3.1. Running Foreman on Ubuntu 18.04
Foreman 2.5 introduced support to run on Ubuntu 20.04. Foreman 3.0 deprecates support for running on Ubuntu 18.04 and Foreman 3.1 will drop it. Users are encouraged to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 either on Foreman 2.5 or 3.0 but Ubuntu 18.04 will remain supported until Foreman 2.5 and 3.0 are end of life.
Note that this is only support to run Foreman and Foreman Proxy themselves on Ubuntu 18.04. Managing Ubuntu 18.04 systems remains supported. See the RFC for more information.
1.3.2. Running Foreman on EL7
Foreman 2.1 introduced EL8 support and Katello 4.0 (on Foreman 2.4) followed. While it’s currently undecided when EL7 support will be dropped exactly, this is an early notice given the considerable number of EL7 deployments. For fresh installations, EL8 should considered the preferred target. Existing installations should start thinking about a migration plan.
Note that this is only support to run Foreman and Foreman Proxy themselves on EL7. Managing EL7 systems remains supported. See the RFC for more information.
2. Katello 4.2 Release Notes
2.1. Headline Features
For the full list of changes, see the Changelog.
New Experimental Content View UI Features:
Publish & Promote
Add component CVs to composite CVs
Pulp’s mirorred metadata is now used to speed up repo syncs
Upgrade to Pulp 3.14 (This was backported to Katello 4.1)
support deleting RH repos from the repositories details
2.2. Upgrade Warnings
upstream_subscriptions apis have been removed in favor of apis rooted at /katello/api/v2/organizations/:organization_id/simple_content_access/
3. Foreman 3.0.1
A full list of changes is available via Redmine
3.1. Foreman
3.1.1. Settings
3.1.2. Facts
Reduce allocations in FactImporter#update_facts - #33639
3.1.3. Web Interface
Remove experimental host wizard page - #33621
"All audits" link in host details page doesnt workt work - #33617
Adding a banner for the experimental host details page - #33597
There should be buttons to link in between the old host page and the new host detail page - #33507
The new host detail page audits card gets misaligned - #33505
The new host detail page hostname should never be split to two lines - #33504
Mac Address label should have capital letters in the word MAC on the new host detail page - #33503
The host owner name should be expanded to the full width as it typically takes more than a one line - #33502
New host detail page MAC should remain on one line if theres a long host group next to its a long host group next to it - #33501
Experimental host page kebab menu buttons do nothing - #33491
Edit button in experimental host page doesnt workt work - #33490
3.1.4. Templates
Provisioning of EL no longer writes to tty3 - #33426
3.1.5. Compute resources - VMware
Compute Resource cannot list the VMs if any VMs in the datacenter has config.instanceUuid set to ' - #33396
3.1.6. Host registration
3.1.7. Reporting
Improve job invocation report template - #33223
3.1.8. Tests
capybara 3.32.1 breaks ReportTemplateJSIntegrationTest - #29481
3.2. Installer
3.2.1. foreman-installer script
Foreman Puppet plugin is enabled in the migration even if Foreman is disabled - #33577
3.3. Packaging
katello-agent on EL7 depends on python2-qpid from the qpid copr - #33497
4. Katello 4.2.0
A full list of changes is available via Redmine
4.1. Katello
Change ImportersCoreImportsApi to ImportersPulpImportsApi - #33006
Crane support is no longer needed by the RegistryResource - #32972
Parse Amazon distribution properly - #32807
Deb repo calls pulp2 when checking published during matching content check - #32761
Katello:delete_orphaned_content still checking for pulp2 services and failing with 404s. - #32740
Pin qpid_proton to "< 0.34" - #32619
Fix pulpcore smart proxy error message - #32613
Remove content view publishing/promoting/removal support for pulp2 repos in actions - #32580
Changing the HTTP proxy for a repository that doesn’t have an upstream URL causes an error (nightly) - #32578
Remove rhsm parser and importer - #32524
Make helper methods public for webhooks context - #32523
Add support for AlmaLinux OS - #32510
Use Foreman client certificates to communicate with Pulp 3 API - #32487
katello:clean_backend_objects still attempts to connect to Pulp 2 - #32475
CV UI - Add Publish workflow to new CV UI (Component CVs) - #32441
Errata installation via Host Collection Remote Execution Only Sends First Page of Errata Ids - #32436
Permit use of version 2.11 of the pulp_deb_client - #32429
[BUG] Non-Admin users cannot generate the command for registration while having "Register hosts" role associated in Satellite 6.9 - #32425
Package dependency is wrong on Katello UI - #32358
Possible file descriptor leaks - #32262
Modify 'Media Selection' string of Operating System’s hostgroup page - #32237
Hanging task when restarting services during pulp2 to pulp3 migration - #32119
Unable to set HostGroup content source to capsule that isn’t synced - #32100
Pulpcore integration test CI reports - #32079
Add auditing for pulp3 import/export - #32039
"Failed to discover docker repositories because 'Content Default HTTP Proxy' is not used to connect to the registry." - #32036
Katello 4.0 - decide the fate of un-versioned deprecations - #31760
4.1.1. Client/Agent
via Katello-agent option is not clickable on content host errata page - #33036
katello-agent uses incorrect ping mechanism - #32591
katello-agent actions can prematurely time out - #32569
Katello agent tasks that error prevent re-running due to locked tasks - #32447
Potential race condition in katello-agent dynflow actions - #32351
Dynflow error output when performing katello-agent action - #31853
4.1.2. Subscriptions
Not possible to remove subscriptions from 'WebUI --> Content --> Subscriptions' page if the user doesn’t have 'Setting' permissions." - #33000
Disconnected satellite’s subscription page missing the checkbox/select column - #32815
Shorten or handle "410 Gone" errors rather than printing a page-long trace for each - #32726
Prevent re-register unless host is in build mode - #32406
Permit DMI change when host is in build mode - #32405
Subscriptions and Pools can be associated across organizations - #32334
"Current organization has no manifest imported" error when trying to import a manifest - #32320
Auto-attaching subscriptions on a host triggers pool import for all organizations - #32267
Manifest deletion indexes subscriptions for all organizations - #32261
Syspurpose role is showing empty in the subscription page and rest api even it has a role - #30708
4.1.3. Tooling
4.1.4. Repositories
Enabling a RH repo is not reflected in the list of enabled repos - #32997
pulp_rpm_client 3.13 throws uninitialized constant PulpRpmClient::OneOfMetadataChecksumTypeEnumNullEnum - #32974
Deleting repository shows success toast notification but repositories remain on the page - #32965
Upgrade Pulpcore and plugins to 3.14 for Katello master - #32933
Creating ansible collection repo fails with: "Invalid URL Ensure the URL ends '/'" but repo gets created - #32867
support deleting RH repos from the repositories details - #32800
[pulp3] aborting pulp3 content-migration step fails with "NoMethodError: undefined method fetch_from_list" - #32786
Create/Read/Update/Destroy Python repository with generic content type registration - #32712
Katello 3.18 changed the way RH operating systems are named after sync - #32699
Remove references to Pulp 2 from new/update repository UI - #32658
Problems when creating a new repository with Chrome - #32626
Client receives 403 forbidden when fetching RHEL content when using custom certificates - #32624
katello:delete_orphaned_content fails on Katello 3.18 with "backend service pulp3: 503 Service Unavailable" - #32623
Unable to delete Red Hat repository due to "bad" root repo data from older Katello - #32582
Katello 3.16 to 3.17 upgrade fails at the db:migrate stage with error "ERROR: insert or update on table "katello_hostgroup_content_facets" violates foreign key constraint" - #32498
cannot create a repository with an http proxy set with auth credentials - #32422
Need to remove background download policy message from the repo creation page - #32402
Deb-content should also publish original structure - #32393
katello pulp url setting in katello.yaml is no longer set by the installer and the default uses localhost rather than FQDN - #32362
Package matching query does not exist when syncing TimeScaleDB repo after migration - #32232
Pulp 3 migration abort fails with 409 - #32226
"podman search returns 'archived/versioned' repos, but ISE is returned when pulling them" - #32159
deb repo - Verify Content Checksum - undefined method `repair' - #32144
Provide repository architecture via medium provider - #32077
Unsetting repository architecture restriction doesn’t reach clients - #32008
remove old pulp2-based upgrade tasks (warnings on 4.0 install) - #32007
separator for releases in deb repository is whitespace, not comma - #31999
Remove Puppet content support - #31997
support new 'feature' names in pulp3 - #31968
pulp3 task group actions 'end' as soon as one subtask fails - #31905
update references to content (/pulp/repos/ /pulp/isos/ /pulp/deb) to point to /pulp/content/ - #31867
Katello not able to handle kickstarts with multiple variants effectively - #31801
Remove content_types requirement in katello.yaml and use of it - #31616
change bulk_load_size within katello -> pulp SETTING to use a Setting - #31323
Pulp download timeouts should be configurable - #17423
Limit packages to sync. - #16154
4.1.5. Hosts
Add extensions for Packages/Errata/Module streams - #32938
Error when trying to restart Traces: TypeError in Katello::RemoteExecutionController#create no implicit conversion of nil into String - #32936
Move the host comment from the Katello Jail to the core - #32862
Host registration - :rhsm_base_url helper - #32841
Manage Errata from Content Host Page does not provide link to view list of content hosts affected by an Errata. - #32806
Old hostgroup with kickstart repository id aren’t migrated to the new hostgroup content facet table. - #32661
Add Rocky Linux parsing support - #32515
Inherited hostgroup values are not set when creating host - #32464
Report Templates Host - Applied Errata report is empty. - #32312
Content Source missing in Katello 4 RC3 - #32298
Hypervisor task failed with NoMethodError: undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass - #32150
Default registration method - #32106
GR template - add --force option for Sub-man to re-register a host - #31820
Host Registration - Activation key field improvement - #31809
Show Candlepin version in /rhsm/status API - #31706
Actions::Katello::Applicability::Hosts::BulkGenerate called many times with only a single host after sync plan runs - #31411
Enable goferless builds by default - #31023
4.1.6. Web UI
CV UI - Add filters to CV - #32932
Change text on Component/Composite tiles in Create CV modal form - #32895
Red Hat repositories page filtering dropdowns do not work in production - #32711
CV UI - Add component CVs to composite CVs - #32698
use-deep-compare to replace usage of JSON.stringify in effect hooks - #32621
Update Composite and Component View icons on UI - #32349
New Content View Page - CV List page env and version expandable columns - #32283
New Content View Page - Versions tab - #32281
New Content View page: Back button doesn’t work to return to list - #32162
Deprecate package groups UI on content host detail page - #32137
[sat-e-613] Update UI to hide k-agent dep warnings if it is disabled - #31910
4.1.7. Tests
Drop puppetclass and environment usage from host tests - #32923
Drop Foreman::Environment::Destroy action - #32922
Use unsafe_load in tests - #32604
npm install error on nightly - #32531
Transient package groups test - #32527
SubscriptionsTable failing test - #32340
Intermittent module stream clause generator test - #32231
test failure due to template kinds - #32087
bulk_host_extensions transient test failure - #31911
Module stream copying tests need to be un-skipped after Pulpcore 3.9.1 is released - #31704
4.1.8. Content Views
Create content view button doesn’t work after the first time - #32911
Incremenal Update doesn’t run MetadataGenerate or IndexContent for Pulp 3 yum content - #32901
Add functionality to publish and promote content view in one API call - #32574
Duplicate YumMetadata index entries in content view repositories causing unneeded capsule sync - #32533
Add a show_all endpoint for content view components - #32303
Navigation doesn’t display Content views (within Lab Features) without admin rights - #32138
New Content View Page - Add filter RPM detail pages - #31969
New Content View Page - view added CVs for Composite Content View - #31827
New Content View Page - Add breadcrumbs - #31825
New Content View Page - History Tab - #31804
available_for content_view_version parameter to /katello/api/packages or /katello/api/errata is slow - #31764
4.1.9. Lifecycle Environments
Use correct inverse association for kt_environment -> organization association - #32905
4.1.10. Foreman Proxy Content
4.1.11. SElinux
4.1.12. Errata Management
4.1.13. Upgrades
20210119162528_delete_puppet_and_ostree_repos.rb fails to remove puppet repos in CVs, leading to upgrade errors - #32590
4.1.14. Inter Server Sync
Auto-import/create RH repos/Products on disconnected Katello - #32528
hammer export fails with super large chunk size (change chunk-size-mb to gb) - #32421
import/export metadata.json needs to be trimmed - #32407
Auto-import custom repos - Disconnected - #32333
Auto create cv on import - #32241
Can Import/Export file type - #32187
Need a dry run option to see content is importable - #31955
4.1.15. Container
4.1.16. Roles and Permissions
Permissions for import/export - #32396
4.1.17. Notifications
4.1.18. API
4.1.19. Organizations and Locations
Seed fails with PG::ForeignKeyViolation: ERROR: insert or update on table "foreman_tasks_tasks" violates foreign key constraint "fk_rails_a56904dd86" - #32277
4.1.20. Hammer
hammer activation-key/content-host product-content not working correctly - #32259
4.1.21. Activation Key
4.1.22. Provisioning
Remove auto-assign of registration template to OS - #32093
4.1.23. Ansible Collections
4.1.24. Documentation
Add documentation for template macros - #31859
5. Foreman 3.0.0
A full list of changes is available via Redmine
5.1. Foreman
provide a list of JavaScript dependencies that can be ignored during package building - #33318
5.1.1. JavaScript stack
don’t run npm-fix-foreman-stories.sh on every npm install - #33319
Toast message is hidden - #33316
Add useCallback to RegistrationCommandsPage - #33161
Slot registry isn’t singleton - #33153
Refactor FactChart to use slice pattern - #33003
Slot warning is not explicit - #32948
update js vendor to 8.6 - #32904
Add Redux toolkit - #32899
trigger toast notification from the root of the app - #32860
PF4 Toast alerts - #32756
Drop flot charts - #32584
storybook failed to compile - #32505
API redux’s store cannot be altered - #31781
Implement timseries area chart in React - #31596
deprecate flot_chart (timeseries area chart) - #31595
CSS files need optimizations (removing duplicates, minifying) - #31277
Use Patternfly charts in Runtime - #23665
5.1.2. Web Interface
host details overview cards grid isn’t aligned nor responsive - #33311
Host details page - react warnings should be cleaned - #33110
Menu::Item doesn’t use the ':if' option - #32883
The new host details page should support secondary tabs - #32828
Recent audits card needs a design - #32820
Update all freenode references to point to https://theforeman.org/support.html#IRClivechat or libera.chat - #32809
Host details cards should support dropdown menu - #32692
card props in host details page should be overridable - #32691
Webpack DEV server minimal logs - #32499
Host Add-Parameter button should not float down page as new params are added. - #32013
Documentation Button on the Error Page needs correct alignment - #31915
Add host’s statuses including sub-statuses to the host details page - #31444
Replace the new host details properties card with pf4 extension component - #31128
Create PF4 Bookmarks dropdown - #31100
Drop jquery-ui spinners in favor of React imlementation - #21641
5.1.3. Host registration
The katello-ca-consumer is not being removed when the force option is checked in the 'Advanced' tab under Hosts -> Register Host - #33305
Hammer --setup-insights false | no|0 is not working - #33121
Content host registration using command generated from global registration form fails if activation key name contains ' (single quote) in it. - #33033
Refresh subscription data - #33004
Registration migration - Unassign OS from registration templates - #32959
Update packages - #32918
Default packages are overridden by host package even if not specified registration form - #32780
Missing validation in API for OS & host_init_config template when creating command - #32625
Support Oracle Linux registration - #32589
Normally Inherited fields are not inherited upon host registreation - #32457
Parent host groups are not respected in the registration form - #32456
The host registration form uses host group names which don’t contain parent names - #32452
Global Registration: Build status gets set to Pending installation when running script from Registration Tab - #32322
Add support for AlmaLinux 8 as a client - #31787
5.1.4. BMC
undefined method `bmc' for nil:NilClass - #33229
5.1.5. Compute resources - VMware
5.1.6. Puppet integration
Add task to set host parameters from Puppet data - #33180
Drop puppet_host_overview_fields - #32091
Extract Puppet Classes tab to a plugin - #31160
Extract Environments change multiple host action - #31136
Extract Puppetclass parameter filter - #31130
Extract Puppetclass API - #31129
Extract Environment parameters filter - #31114
Extract ConfigGroup Controllers - #31106
Extract ConfigGroup API - #31094
Extract ConfigGroup UI - #31093
Extract Puppetclass UI controllers - #31092
Extract Puppetclass views+helpers - #31089
Remove puppet bits from non puppet related tests - #31073
Extract Environments API - #31062
Extract Environments UI view+helpers - #31058
Extract Environments UI logic - #31057
Extract puppet from SmartProxy integration - #31056
Extract LookupValue puppet extension - #31013
Extract PuppetLookupKey UI - #31009
Extract SmartClassParameters API - #31007
Extract puppet from Host(group) form and details - #30913
5.1.7. Compute resources
5.1.8. API
Add GraphQL type and queries for permissions - #33123
bmc_avialable should be visible in API host show - #33038
Add graphql types for permissions - #32825
Add types and queries for Lookup Values - #32782
Correctly resolve global id when primary key is not integer - #32767
hammer user list --help has invalid --order example - #32703
API has inconsistent behavior with taxable parameters - #32695
Add 'resource_type' for the role filter in API - #32650
Add descendants field to hostgroup graphql type - #32645
Wrong error message when one attempts to create second primary/provision interface via API - #10236
5.1.9. Packaging
5.1.10. Development tools
5.1.11. Templates
AIX PXE attributes loading does not work - #33090
Install salt-minion is done twice - #33042
Latest preseed_networking_setup template snippet does not work Ubuntu 18.04+ with multiple nics - #32981
Allow templates to hide preview button - #32928
Allow using host comment in the safe mode - #32858
Add parameter to provisioning templates to run attach --auto after registering - #32852
Add the ability to add custom steps to the Default Finish template at early and late stages - #32715
Avoid echo statements without quotes in Grub - #32681
Link to templates_doc - #32674
Clean up host_param_(true|false)? - #32540
kickstart_kernel_options doesn’t handle properly tagged vlan over bond device - #32497
Ansible callback doesn’t run because the file is not executable - #32490
Fedora 34 / RHEL 9 - Ignore Anaconda kernel boot parameters without 'inst.' prefix - #32486
Do not use upstream repos for Ubuntu and Debian hosts that use Katello for content - #32290
Automated Fedora provisioning fails with Kickstart default due to the missing redhat-lsb-core - #31978
The default kickstart template installs EPEL by default - #31751
Remove spaces from snapshot tests - #31407
Template snapshot multi-host render tests - #31370
Foreman doesn’t support Netplan on Ubuntu - #30748
Search in Template editor doesn’t work at all - #29614
Snippet template may render incorrect result when non-default scope class is used to render the main template - #28221
5.1.12. Inventory
Make name_column helper defensive with displaying statuses - #33049
Add visual Amazon support - #32808
Host api request fails when thin=true and per_page=all - #32776
API - ISE when using invalid status type - #32536
Add Rocky Linux support to Foreman - #32516
Interface modal - incorrect alignment for error message
5.1.13. Users, Roles and Permissions
Navigation doesn’t display Host Wizard (within Lab Features) without admin rights - #33011
wrong error message when failing to create an external user - #32942
Non-admin user can not revoke user access token, attempt ends with 404 - #32826
Revoking Personal Access token should ask for confirmation - #32770
The /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups API is not accepting 1-group as the name of usergroup - #32704
50/50 chance to create role filter with non-admin user and enough permissions - #30394
User can view bookmarks without assigning view_bookmarks permission in a role - #30387
5.1.14. Database
5.1.15. Settings
Load only core setting values the first time we load them - #32963
Fix the creation of missing settings - #32953
Add strong typing to Setting DSL - #32894
Setting values have duplicate tooltips in Firefox - #32840
Overwrite outofsync_interval in host parameters - #32805
CVE-2021-3584: Remote code execution through Sendmail configuration - #32753
clicking on a read-only setting still opens an edit dialog - #32752
Setting registry doesn’t reload properly on autoreload - #32489
Use only SettingRegistry to read and update the settings - #32415
Load Setting index page from memory registry - #32287
Create a new setting definition DSL - #32286
5.1.16. Tests
setting lower version of rake to avoid test failures - #32952
5.1.17. Host groups
It is possible to specify a compute profile without any attributes in a hostgroup - #32924
5.1.18. TFTP
DHCP next-server option is "false" when tftp-servername was not provided - #32921
5.1.19. Proxy gateway
Drop unwanted URI parsing from NetHttpExtension - #32837
5.1.20. Facts
reported.virtual in scoped search not working properly - #32833
Move Chef parser to core - #32558
Move Salt parser to Core - #32548
Move Ansible Parser to Core - #32518
Move RHSM parser to Core - #32517
Unify excluded_facts and ignored_interface_identifiers - #32166
puppet facts exclude filter star wildcard not working as expected - #29681
5.1.21. Audit Log
Documentation button on Audits page opens in same tab - #32821
5.1.22. Parameters
add merge-option for variables of type "yaml" (Ansible/Salt/Puppet) - #32741
5.1.23. DB migrations
Migrations fail with 'could not create unique index "index_lookup_values_on_lookup_key_id_and_match"' error - #32673
5.1.24. Search
5.1.25. Logging
5.1.26. Internationalization
5.1.27. Host creation
5.1.28. Network
When creating a HTTP proxy the username and password is used verbatim, leading to issues if they contain special characters - #32192
5.1.29. Reporting
As a user I should receive a notification after a report generation is complete - #32141
5.1.30. E-Mail
Add instance title to the subject and body of the email notifications - #32139
5.1.31. Unattended installations
Support RedHat CoreOS and Fedora CoreOS as operating systems - #27604
5.1.32. Compute resources - EC2
Add support for ec2 tags during instance creation - #2170
5.2. Installer
5.2.1. Foreman modules
Change Puma defaults to match recommendations from Puma documentation - #33277
Roles imported from a collection installed to /etc/ansible/collections are not found when run on hosts - #33162
Move more variables from in puppet-foreman to globals.pp - #33106
Don’t store plugin_prefix (and hammer_plugin_prefix) in answers - #33089
support remove_old_repodata options in yum_distributor for puppet-pulp - #32966
IPA Authentication is not properly deployed on Debian - #32947
Provide ability to configure content caching in Pulpcore - #32910
puppet-pulpcore should support enabling and disabling the new tasking system - #32891
Set sendmail location and arguments via puppet/installer - #32827
Disable SSLInsecureRenegotiation by default - #32762
Tftp support for Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux - #32710
Additional RPMs in /pub directory break latest symlink - #32700
Password diffs from puppet-certs should not show up in Puppet logs - #32647
Add Puppet provider to manage a truststore - #32637
Add keystore certificate puppet provider - #32631
Add a function to extract the certificate subject DN to determine artemis client DN programmatically - #32585
If bootstrap RPM symlink is removed the installer does not repair it - #32567
remove md5 from allowed content types for pulpcore - #32553
The installer does not update the katello-ca-consumer-latest symlink to the latest RPM once the bootstrap RPM’s release is greater than 9. - #32529
Add puppet type to manage an nssdb - #32511
Use Foreman client certificates to communicate with Pulp - #32383
mod_auth_kerb has been replaced by mod_auth_gssapi - #32352
The system does not seem to be IPA-enrolled - #29649
5.3. Packaging
Appendix A: Foreman Contributors
Adam Ruzicka
Adi Abramovich
Adi Abramovitch
Amir Fefer
Amit Upadhye
Andrea Perotti
Artur Obolewicz
Bas Roos
Bernhard Suttner
Chris Roberts
Dominik Matoulek
Dominique Quatravaux
Eric D. Helms
Evgeni Golov
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
Greg Cox
Hao Yu
Ian Ballou
James Jeffers
Jaskaran Singh Narula
Jeremy Lenz
Jonas Trüstedt
Jonathon Turel
Justin Sherrill
Karl vollmer
Leos Stejskal
Lucy Fu
Lukáš Zapletal
Manfred Pusch
Marek Hulán
Maria Agaphontzev
Markus Bucher
Martin Schlossarek
Maximilian Kolb
Melanie Corr
Nacho Barrientos
Oleh Fedorenko
Ondřej Ezr
Ondřej Pražák
Peter Bray
Rahul Bajaj
Ranjan Kumar
Ron Lavi
Samuli Seppänen
Scott Lindeneau
Shimon Shtein
Shira Maximov
Simon Peeters
Stefan Lasiewski
Sureshkumar Thirugnanasambandan
Tim Meusel
Tomer Brisker
Vitaly Pyslar
William Clark
Yifat Makias
Zach Huntington-Meath
Appendix B: Katello Contributors
Andrew Dewar
Andrew Lukoshko
Bernhard Suttner
Chris Roberts
Dominik Matoulek
Eric D. Helms
Hao Yu
Ian Ballou
James Jeffers
Jeremy Lenz
Jonathon Turel
Justin Sherrill
Leos Stejskal
Lucy Fu
Lukas Zapletal
Marek Hulán
Markus Bucher
Oleh Fedorenko
Ondřej Ezr
Partha Aji
Pat Riehecky
Paul Donohue
Ryan Verdile
Samir Jha